Friday, April 30, 2010

54 Worcester Teachers Getting the Axe

It just business as usual in good old Worcester. Cut out where you need it most.

Fifty-four teachers will not have jobs at the end of this school year as was reported in the Worcester Telegram. All were notified this past Wednesday. All non-tenured teachers will be the first to go.

It's time to get rid of the tenure system and start rating these teachers by performance. Tenure, is a joke.

I don't want to knock all tenured teachers here because I'm sure there are many great ones. But the ones that are just riding out the wave and buying their time should be the first that the school committee looks at to cut.

Its time to weed out the garden because it's starting to get choked out.

Our kids are Worcester's future and right now, the future is looking grim.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Welcome to Woostah, Now Pay Up.

As reported in today's Worcester Telegram.
Get ready to get it shoved up your ass again with yet another proposed tax hike.

Mr. Manager,
How much more do you think the citizens of Worcester can handle? If you haven't noticed, people are out of work. We are already paying through the roof with city taxes and now you propose yet another tax hike.

I must commend you though, fore you are doing a fantastic job. A fantastic job at doing nothing to attract people to come to Worcester to possibly settle down, and nothing to keep the people that are already here.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Will The Real Mohammed Please Stand Up.

From an article in The Daily Caller. May 20'th is "Draw Mohammed Day".

Read on for further details.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Even In Death, Kennedy Is Costing Us Money

This is really upsetting. As if I don't have enough to pay for.

I just read in the Boston Herald how Sen. John F. Kerry and Rep Edward J. Markey are putting the taxpayers on the hook for a temple for the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.

How's $68 million sound to you?

Sen. Kerry and Rep. Markey, first of all. I don't care about a temple to the late Sen. Kennedy. This is not the time to be worried about paying for a shrine.

Maybe a small section in the Welfare office could be put aside with the late Senators picture, put a few candles bought from Target in there and there you have it. Instant shrine. Probably cost you no more than $100 at the most. Far less than your ridiculous $68 million.

Use your time and energy on the real issues that are burdening this state. Start with jobs.

But if you must, why not tap into some of that Kennedy fortune. There's a great piece of property in Hyannis Ma. that could be sold off to fund part of the construction. The taxpayer should not be forced to pay a single dime for this "Temple".

How does everyone else feel about this? I'm curious to see how many will be happy to flip the bill.

See you in November.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Free Plug: Dr Gonzo's Uncommon Condiments

Originally posted on

Your kitchen pantry is not complete without some of Dr. Gonzo's products.
Stop in and say hello. You might even stay awhile.

122 Main Street Worcester, MA

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Parties...........UPDATED

Now that I'm finally able to sit and relax and enjoy my vodka and cranberry. I can ask.

Did you attend the Worcester Tea Party?

I missed it. Sometimes parenting takes precedence over political protesting, even though we are talking about our kids futures here. They are the ones that will be paying for this mess, but they don't know it yet.

I was at my daughters softball game, freezing my ass off.

So how was it? How many people? Did you see any infiltrators? Pictures?

As of this writing, I can't find a single thing in the papers or Internet about it. It really doesn't surprise me given our liberal media at the telegram and gazette.

Updates! I need updates.


After reading this mornings paper I was glad to see that Worcester had a good showing for the Tea Party. Telegram and Gazette estimated that 2500 were in attendance.

Way to go Worcester.

As for the commenter's to the article. I wish you would really go out and educate yourselves better before attempting to write something. I'll tell you that I should be the last one to criticize you about writing. I know I'm bad at it, but please. You seem to post negative comments against the Tea Parties but never really have a rebuttal of your own.

One of my favorite comments to the article was this one. This is just an excerpt from this persons comment, it just amazed me that this person actually thinks this.

"What would the Tea Party do different? And why would it work when others have failed? No answer, just a lame belief that somehow the Constitution is perfect. The Constitution is the problem, not the solution."

The Constitution is the problem. It amazes me that there are people out there that actually believe this.

So Mr Liberal, What's your solution?

For once I'd love to see an intelligent liberal commenter explaining why spending this astronomical amount of money, money we don't have, explain how this is actually good for the country. Tell me please, how its better for the government to make health decisions or any decision for that matter for me rather that I make them for me and my family.

I have yet to see one.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today, I'm Not Pissed

No reason to be pissed off today. Although I haven't read the papers yet.

Usually stuff like that from my previous post doesn't bother me. Yesterday was different. Maybe it was because I wasn't having the greatest of days.

Today was much better. Worked sucked. As always, but I have no choice. I have to work or my mountain of bills don't get paid.

After getting out of work, the day turned much better. I've decided, along with my wife to work on our fitness. It's been long enough. No more sitting around like lumps.

When you start breaking buttons on the uniform pants I wear at work on a regular basis. When you bend down to tie your shoes and get up and your breathing like you just ran a marathon. When your wearing the same pants for weeks at a time because they're the only ones that fit without restricting your breathing.

Its a sign. Its a sign to get off your ass and start moving.

I can take a hint. We started walking. We did a mile the other day and another mile today. It felt good moving, except for the people with their dogs. The walk felt great.

Going back to the dog thing. Whats up people? Bring your dog somewhere else to shit.

There a hundreds of people walking and running the trails. I don't need to see your dog out for a stroll so he can shit in the middle of the path and then I have to go around you as you bend down to pick it up. Go off into the woods or something.

I can't let my kid ride his bike on the path (per the rules) but you can take your dog in there to shit. Do us all a favor. Keep the dog at home.

That's really it for this post. The title did say "I'm not pissed". I better stop while I'm ahead. Tomorrow the kids are all into the sports things so we'll have to squeeze in a walk in between practices. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

See ya

Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm Pissed

This may be a ramble, and it's probably not even worth writing about, but I really don't have anything else to write about today so when I read this it kind of ahhh, pissed me off a bit.

It pisses me off when mainstream papers write about when civilians die in the war over in Afghanistan and they print it up in a way that makes it look like our troops are the bad guys.

I'm talking about the latest article in the New York Times, and I'm sure in countless other papers. The article about Civilians in Afghanistan killed as U.S. Troops fire on Afghan bus.

So some innocent civilians were killed. It sucks and its too bad that it had to happen but don't write your headlines making it out like the U.S. troops are the bad guys.

Give these guys some credit before shitting all over them. Regardless of your thoughts on the war. These are your kids over there fighting everyday. Risking their young lives for you.


They're out there fighting an enemy that looks like any civilian on the street in Afghanistan. At any given moment any innocent looking person can turn on them with some home made device or suicide bombing.

This is a war and "War is hell". Shit happens and it happens for a reason. Its not always a happy ending but if for any reason they felt threatened then they had every right to fire on them.

So enough with the shitting on the U.S. Troops. We have enough problems over here in the states to worry about. Let them do their jobs and stop bowing down to the other side.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Rumor Has it...

That the Worcester city trash bags are going up in price, substantially. I heard $10.00 for 5 bags, starting on June 1'st.

I couldn't find anything online. Can anyone confirm or deny this rumor?