Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Has Political Correctness gone to far?

Well has it?

My son came home from school the other day with a piece of paper. On it was a message to parents asking if we can have the kids bring in a snack for everyone in class because the kids would be celebrating "The Seasons".

What are "The Seasons"? I didn't know that was a holiday.

I replied saying I would contribute but I crossed off "The Seasons" and wrote in Christmas.

Why is it so difficult for the public schools to acknowledge that they will be celebrating Christmas?

The last I heard we are still in America. Yes we are quite diverse here but instead of bowing to the demands of one group or another. How about teaching the kids about everyone's cultures and beliefs. I'm sure the world, the country and Worcester would be a much better place.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What The Flock Is This?

I'm heading over to my sister in laws tomorrow for Thanksgiving. I heard she was having Turducken. Any thoughts? I've never had it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The D is not for Democrat

The D is for Dumbest Voters Ever. That's what most here in Massachusetts are.

As the rest of the country is doing something about the government takeover. We here in Massachusetts continue to believe the lies thrown at us by our corrupt government, unions and special interest groups.

Great job Massholes.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

And I thought Bush was stupid

Is that really all you can come up with Mr. President? A car in a ditch.

Say good bye to your little friend. Duval.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tom FOOL-ey us once

Tom Foley is just another product of the corrupt Massachusetts political system.

He is already taking us for fools by collecting his hefty "tax free" disability pension and now he wants more of our money by running for sheriff.

Don't be a FOOL. I'm voting for Evangelidis and I hope the rest of you will also.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I just had a Fluffernutter

I just thought you might want to know that.

Good night

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Vote YES on question 3

As predicted. Here come the scare tactics. Don't be afraid. Don't let these bums take your money and spend it on their own agendas, non of which have any benefits for the working people of this state. We will not have anarchy if it passes.

Its about time that the city and state government was held accountable for their wasteful spending. Keep some of that money you have remaining in your wallet by voting YES on question 3. Let them finally have to work for the people instead of spend our money to further their political careers.

Vote YES

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The spoiled rich kid store

Pure Hockey:

Every time I walk into that store my stomach gets all queasy.

Every time I come out. I throw up.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Just wondering

What do school bus drivers do while the kids are all in school?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Can't Stand It!

I was bored so I decided to come up with a list of 10 things I can't stand.

  1. Hurricanes. I finally get a chance to get away for the weekend and I have to deal with Earl.
  2. School starting before Labor Day.
  3. Fat free peanut butter.
  4. Hard Boiled eggs that just don't want to be peeled.
  5. Worcester Politics.
  6. A cat that doesn't shit in the litter box. WTF is up with that cat?
  7. Cooking with propane.
  8. Car inspections
  9. Humidity
  10. Press 1 for english. Press 2 for spanish.

Thats it. Whats on your list?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You can't just eat one

Look at me now. I'm a food critic. Yesterday was wine and today well, read on.

Mama Zuma's Habanero Potato Chips.

They are some ass kickin chips. Maybe they'll even pair up with the wine from the last post. Who knows? I will tell you that they do go great with a bologna sandwich.

I gotta get me some more of them.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I think I've become a wine-o

Finally. The first bottle of wine that I actually like.

Up until a few years ago I couldn't stand the taste of wines. It always looked so good but for some reason I couldn't get past the taste. To me it just tasted of spoiled grapes with a hint of dirty wet socks.

Recently I've been frequenting the new Wine Nation store that opened about three weeks ago out at The Shoppes at Blackstone Valley in Millbury MA, trying out any type of wine I can afford. Some I liked, some I didn't.

Then I found this one. The Velvet Devil Merlot from Washington state. Vinted and bottled by Charles Smith Wines.

You have to try it to appreciate it.

If your looking for a real wine drinkers review of this wine then your reading the wrong blog. I'm just sayin that the stuff is good, has a kick ass name and best of all is cheap.

Check out his website http://www.blogger.com/www.charlessmithwines.com to see some of the other wines he produces. Read the blog while your there. He doesn't update that often but when he does he tells it like it is. It sounds as if the he really loves what he does.

That's really all I have to say. Now get off the internet and go out and get yourself a few bottles and drink them now. That's what they were made for.

I'll end this with a quote from his website that I thought summed it all up nicely.

"It's booze - just drink it!"

Sunday, August 22, 2010

When I grow up I want to be a pro skateboarder

So even though it rained I still managed to take my youngest to the skate park up at Green Hill Park this morning. I had promised to take him there last night. He was so excited that he was up and 7:00am, dressed and ready to go.

He had the whole place to himself. I think he just found his new favorite place in the world to go to.

I'm glad I took him.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tax Free

I find it funny that people from Massachusetts swarmed the stores this past weekend to buy things without having to pay the tax yet these same people, when they had the chance to vote for lower taxes, they voted against it.

I don't get it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Telegram to start charging to read online

Here we go again. Starting tomorrow the Telegram has again decided to charge it's online readers. Judging by all the comments it doesn't appear that many people are willing to pay for mediocre news at best, most of which has nothing to do with Worcester.

Good luck Telegram. I know I won't be paying.

Here's the link to the article, but read it quick or you'll end up paying for it.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Did you hear it this morning?

The sound from your grass saying "Ahhhhhhhhhh" as it rained and the cooler weather set in.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

On the state of my job and beer


We had a big lay off today and I survived the cut.

I'm off to pick up a 6 pack of my new favorite beer. Raging Bitch Belgian IPA.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Whats For Dinner?

This is on the radar for dinner tonight.

The Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger, AKA Baseballs Best Burger. But since there is no Krispy Kreme near me. I'm going to try it with a regular glazed donut from my local donut establishment.

Now where did I put that defibrillator?

Monday, August 2, 2010

On Growing Tomatoes

What gives? I have twelve tomato plants growing in my backyard and so far, at least 75% of the tomatoes I picked have been all rotten on the bottom.

Anyone else have this problem and is there a solution?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Weekend Of Wine, Beer And Assorted Cheese

Have you checked out the new wine and beer store in Millbury's Blackstone Mall.

If your into wine and micro brew beer then this is the place for you.

Huge selection and friendly people.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Can't Stand People Who Can't Follow Directions

When I said, "Don't scrape the rust off."


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Your Ship Has Sunk

Does Sen. John Kerry care about jobs and putting money back into the struggling U.S. economy?

Hell no. But he does have himself a mighty fine yacht. Purchased for a cool $7 million. From New Zealand.

Way to go Senator. Hopefully the voters of Massachusetts will finally wake up and vote you a permanent vacation so you can sail away into the sunset.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

24 Hours Of Lemons

Or LeMons for those french speaking readers.

This sounds quite interesting. Find yourself an old beater for $500 or less. Install a roll cage, harness and of course, good brakes and have at it.

The 24 Hours of LeMons. Twenty four hours of endurance racing at Stafford Motor Speedway.

Go check it out. It runs Saturday and Sunday.

Too late for me this year but you can bet I'll be assembling my pit crew for next years race.

See ya there rednecks.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Throw The Bum Out

And to think, Rangel had a say in every vote that has come up in the past year and a half. Including the Health Care debacle which is not going to save us any money on healthcare in the least.

I'm willing to bet that the idiots would vote this clown back into office come November if for some reason they keep him at his post.

Jeezus is this country in trouble unless we, the voters, vote these morons out of office and put a stop to this spending spree of the great disappointment. Obama.

Oh, and if you think Massachusetts doesn't have it's very own Obama loving, left wing, socialist lunatics. I present to you Deval Patrick. The one and only worst governor that's ever held office in the history of Massachusetts. This guy makes Dukakis look good.

Just look at the picture of Deval above. He's got that deer in the headlights look. See the similarities?

He knows he's in trouble and I don't think his little buddy in the White House can help him one bit. His ship is sinking.

Throw(vote) these bums out.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Goodbye MCAS. Hello Federal Guidelines

The Massachusetts State Board of Education voted today to adopt Obama's national standards of learning.

Is this a good thing? Highly unlikely. Why mess with a good thing? Massachusetts students historically rank highest in the country with testing. Why would they want to bring them down to the national level of learning.

If students are willing to learn then let them. Why force them to follow some federal government guidelines.

This is nothing more than another situation where the fed's think they know better than everyone else in this country.

Boy are we screwed.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Come On And Take A Free Ride

Unemployment benefits extended. Again and again and again.

Why bother going out to get a job. Just collect.

Pretty soon you'll be better off just hanging around watching reruns of Oprah and eating cheetos all day while you collect unemployment checks for the rest of your life.

Great gig if you can get it.

Oh and by the way. Your very welcome

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Coming Soon To A November Election Near You

With November just around the corner, with it brings the mid term elections and as reported in the telegram another round of ballot questions.

The two that caught my eye was the first question which will give the voters the chance to repeal the alcohol tax.

And the third question which gives voters a chance to lower the sales tax from 6.25% to 3%.

So whats it going to be this time around. In a time when people are out of jobs and struggling to pay their bills, how are they going to vote?

What scare tactics will the opposition use this time around to get voters to vote in their favor?

I'm with lowering and repealing. I don't care about what they say. How, if this passes we will just raise another one of the many taxes that are a burden to most Massachusetts residence.

It's time for the people of this state to make a stand for themselves and not have these corrupt politicians dictate what is good for us.

Wake up Massachusetts. This may be our best chance to let these politicians know that enough is enough. Don't let this chance pass you by. Again.

Get out there and vote.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Original Three

This Lebron James going over to the Miami Heat news is really getting a bit out of hand. It's nearly as bad as the media coverage of anything Michael Jackson did, including his death.

It's so bad that Dwyane Wade from the Heat is claiming, already, that they will be "arguably the best trio ever to play the game of basketball".

I couldn't disagree with him more.

Everyone knows that the Original "Big Three" consisting of Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, and Robert Parish formed the greatest front line in all of basketball history. Past and present. There is no need to argue.

My prediction: Cleveland wins an NBA title before Miami does.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Signs, Signs Everywhere Are Signs

I don't have much of an opinion on the article in the Telegram by Clive McFarlane titled: Signs point to brouhaha on ordinance.

What did catch my eye was a comment made by Worcester's very own Assistant City Manager Julie Jacobson. Ms Jacobson said.

“The use of digital and non-accessory signs are becoming more popular and we recognize that if we are not thoughtful their proliferation could have negative impacts on our downtown, our residents and our overall economic climate.”

Negative impacts on our downtown?

What downtown is she talking about? Worcester? There is no downtown. Just a bunch of buildings with a few good restaurants and bars and one Dr Gonzo's Uncommon Condiments, other than that there is nothing there to bring people into this barely surviving metropolis.

For your information Ms Jacobson. Worcester's overall economic climate you speak of is similar to a desert. Dry and desolate, with a few scattered signs of life.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Looks To Be Another Scorcher Today

Not quite as hot temperature wise but the humidity will still be there to make it very, very uncomfortable.

Stay indoors if you can, turn on the AC, grab some cold drinks and watch movies. If your lucky enough to have a pool or a neighbor who has one. Make use of it, but don't forget the sunscreen and plenty of water to drink.

On the other hand.

My tomatoes and peppers I have growing in the garden are loving this shit.

Stay cool people

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Is It Hot Enough For You?

They're going to need the riot police out in front of the pools today.

97 degrees. WTF?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4'th Of July (Even Though Today Is Only The 3'rd)

I went out last night with the family and a few hundred friends to watch the fireworks at an undisclosed location. Undisclosed for fear of being overrun with crowds and traffic the following year. Although for a price, I can be bought.

Anyway. I won't bore you anymore than you already are.

Here's a few pictures I ended up getting during the show.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Birds Is For The Birds.

So this post really has nothing to do with Worcester.

I just watched the original Alfred Hitchcock movie The Birds. Have you seen it? I haven't seen it since I was a kid.

So here I am getting all into the movie and stuff, waiting for the big finale and then.

They just drive away. How lame is that?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Burning Rubber and Open Headers

I almost forgot. It's that time again folks.

The New England Summer Nationals, celebrating the BIG 20 this year.

Show starts July 1 and runs throughout the weekend.

Hope you all can make it down for some high octane, low mileage fun for the whole family.

See ya there.

I Think Its Time To Hire More Inspectors

The story titled "Check, Please!" in the Telegram this morning was simply put. Gross and embarrassing for the city.

So much useless spending in this city and yet we have only three inspectors to cover the 1500 or so food establishments.
Time for the city to clean up its act and cut out the waste and start hiring where it is needed most.

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Summer

Today is the Longest day of the year. The Summer Solstice and the official start of summer beginning at 7:29 this morning.

So enjoy because after today the days just get shorter and shorter and before you know it the dreaded winter will be upon us.

Violence is on the Rise

This is not the kind of news Worcester needs.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Balloon Boy 2

Ahoy Maties.
The more and more I read about this story, the more it sounds like the balloon boy episode, remember that. When the whole country was watching this balloon floating around in the sky thinking there was this little kid in it, but there really wasn't. He was in the closet.

Except that this guy, Laurence Sunderland actually put his 16 year old daughter, Abby Sunderland in the balloon which wasn't actually a balloon but a 40 foot sailboat named Wild Eyes and then let her go out onto the ocean to sail around the world.

By herself.
She seemed to be doing pretty well until she sailed into the Indian Ocean which at this time of year is from what I've read one of the worst times to be out there on a sail boat, alone, because of the major storms that usually kick up out there.

Unfortunately for her, she encountered one of those storms which knocked out her main mast and basically left her helpless in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

To make a long story short.

She activates her distress signals, they send out a search plane, the search plane finds her, she is ok and is picked up by a fishing vessel.

The plot thickens!

News comes out now that the father is broke and that he supposedly signed a contract for a reality TV show that would feature his daredevil kids.

So. What do you think? Thrill seeking kid or nutcase father risking the life of his own daughter just to make a buck.

I don't know, but i'm sure we'll be hearing more about this story in the coming days and weeks ahead.

Stay tuned landlubbers.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Newest Fad Diet

I thought I'd seen it all with the diets, then I came upon this.
What do you think?

Flag Day

Happy Flag Day.

And for those of you who don't know why we commemorate this day. I've included a link to wikipedia for your informational purposes.

Enjoy your day.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Worcester's Seement Pond

So much for swimming in the new Crompton Park Pool this year. I would be really surprised if the city opened this thing up before the end of the summer.


Just another embarrassment for the city management.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Green Island Sharks

Worcester needs more police presence in the areas of Millbury Street and Water Street on Friday and Saturday nights.

The thugs that seem to patrol the streets, harassing customers walking to the local establishments is unacceptable. They travel in groups, likes sharks, looking for the one lone, unsuspecting prey to pounce on.

It's enough to turn off anyone thinking about coming into the city to spend some money and have a good time.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

City Park Grill: OUT OF BUSINESS

Another failed business in Worcester and this one only took 2 months.

When is it that the city management is going to wake up? This is what the majority of the commentors on the article are saying.

City Manager, the Mayor, all our city councilors. When are you going to wake up? Our city is not thriving. It's drowning in the abyss of high taxes, unemployment, low income housing and entitlement programs.

How about giving us a break here?

Another commentor says: "Well, I hope that one day our city government will wake up and smell the coffee...the bums need to be voted out and maybe we can get moving towards the type of city Worcester can and should be...Vibrant"

Well OK then, the city management needs to be voted out. How hard could that be? Yet every time there is an election, the same people writing the comments vote the same old, same old back into office.

All talk, no action.

Its time for a change or Worcester will be the next Detroit.

Free Plug For A Friend

Eller's Restaurant on 190 Main St in Cherry Valley. Just a short drive outside of Worcester.

Welcome to Eller’s!

We are a family run restaurant, established in 2002.
We started with six tables in a strip mall in Cherry Valley.
With the support of the town, our dedicated staff and
customers, we grew to where we are now.

One of the things that we pride ourselves on, is our
ability to please all palates. We tried to make our menu
broad, however if you have a craving for something you do
not see, ask, and most likely we can whip it up for you or
plan it as a “special” for your next visit.

To all our regulars, we thank you sincerely. To all of our
new customers at Eller’s, we stand behind our motto and
invite you to;

“Come in as a stranger...and leave as a friend”

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Has It Been That Long?

Today is my 25 year class reunion and I'm feeling like shit.

I woke up real early, drank a pot of coffee and now my insides feel like they're ready to erupt.


Back to this reunion thing. I'm dreading tonight. First because it's been 25 frickin years and second because,

Who the hell schedules a reunion on a Sunday night?

What the hell were ya thinking?

Is this an evil plot to keep me from enjoying myself knowing that I have to get up at a ridiculous hour of the morning on Monday to go to work?

Come on. It's Sunday people. Ya know, the day of rest.

This is the day I should be recovering from the hangover I should of had, had they held the reunion on Saturday night.

Anyways, enough of this BS. I'm going to end this post right here because I really don't know where its headed and don't really have an ending for it.

Have yourselves a great Sunday.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Gulf of Oil

For the last two or three nights I've found myself mesmerized with this oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

It's to the point that I've even sat and watched the video feeds of the ROV's cutting and hacking away at whats left of the oil platform.

I need to find some better use of my time.

How about you? Have you watched it?

What a mess this thing is turning out to be.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day

I'm a little pissed at the fact that our very own President chooses to go on vacation and skip the Memorial Day Ceremonies in Arlington.

Doesn't anyone else care about this?

Have a safe and Happy Memorial Day Weekend and remember the ones past and present that fought and some who are still fighting to get us to where we are today.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Miss Worcester

Congratulations are in order for our very own Miss Worcester, ranked #1 diner in TLC's "Best Food Ever" series.

You know your hungry. Now stop reading and go there. What are you waiting for.

I'm On Twitter Now

Worcester in 365 is now on Twitter.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Providence Street Playground

I'm going to get right to the point here on the Providence Street Playground.

Why is it that that the men working on the playground all were from Ohio? Were there not any unemployed Worcester contractors looking for work at the time?

And, who is going to maintain the playground? The city?

How long before it falls into disrepair like all of the city pools did?

I'd love to see an update on this in a year or so.

Monday, May 24, 2010

You're Going To Use The Money For What?

SOLD for $17 million.

Mr. Manager,

Now that the Worcester Airport sale has finally gone through, how about taking some of that money and instead of wasting it on repairs to parks the city will not maintain. Put it where it will be most beneficial.

First of all, take the $2M proposed tax levy off of the tables.

Do you really think that the people of Worcester can afford to pay more taxes at a time when most are just barely getting by.

And how about all the city pools just waiting for an accident to happen. Why not use some of that money to level the buildings and fill in the pools. Make use of that land instead of just letting it go to waste.

Use your heads on this one. Put that money where it will actually help us out.

What do ya say to that? Mr. Manager.

Oh, and by the way. The city should have plenty of money now to get that ice rink put together that's been in the works for the last two years.

See you on the ice.

From the Telegram's Opinion Section

Great article about immigration.

Maybe the four horsemen on Worcester's City Council (Mayor Joe O’Brien, councilors Michael Germain, Frederick Rushton and Joffrey Smith) should read this. They may learn alot from it.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Late Morning Music

From Worcester's very own

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Big Bad Bruins

Not so big and bad anymore.

I wonder how their first round of golf went today on this beautiful day.

Being a long time Boston sports fan, this really didn't upset me as much as I thought it would. I wouldn't say the same for the guy that was sitting next to me at the bar. He was pissed. It just about ruined the rest of the night for him.

Oh well, get used to it. This is Boston and Boston teams are suppose to let you down for at least most of your life. Look at the Red Sox. It took them 80 years to get where they are. So don't worry too much, you still have time. Unless your 80.

I do have to say that the Bruins loss ranks up there with the Yankees losing 4 straight to the Red Sox in the 2004 American League Championship after being up 3 games to none. Bottom line. They choked, big time.

Hey, it was a good run. It would of been nice to play the Canadians but I guess it just wasn't in the cards this year.

There's always next year.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

No Worcester Boycott Of Arizona

As reported on Daily Worcesteria's City Council Live blog

From what I can make of it, it looks like the vote to boycott never got to a vote.

What a relief. I was worried I'd never be able to get my Arizona Tea around here anymore.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

There Is Hope For Worcester

Lets just hope the people that run the city read this same article in the Worcester Telegram this morning.
Time to put this city back on the map. Lets make it a city for the people and not a melting pot for the entitled.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

Clive Is Spot On.........Again!

I just don't get how the Worcester School Committee is going to cut 54 teachers, and then they go and vote to create another layer of bureaucracy in the already tangled web that we call the Worcester Public School System.

I wonder whose relative will be hired for this job.

Read more about it in Clive McFarlane's article in the Worcester Telegram titled: Get sensible, don’t waste school money

Friday, April 30, 2010

54 Worcester Teachers Getting the Axe

It just business as usual in good old Worcester. Cut out where you need it most.

Fifty-four teachers will not have jobs at the end of this school year as was reported in the Worcester Telegram. All were notified this past Wednesday. All non-tenured teachers will be the first to go.

It's time to get rid of the tenure system and start rating these teachers by performance. Tenure, is a joke.

I don't want to knock all tenured teachers here because I'm sure there are many great ones. But the ones that are just riding out the wave and buying their time should be the first that the school committee looks at to cut.

Its time to weed out the garden because it's starting to get choked out.

Our kids are Worcester's future and right now, the future is looking grim.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Welcome to Woostah, Now Pay Up.

As reported in today's Worcester Telegram.
Get ready to get it shoved up your ass again with yet another proposed tax hike.

Mr. Manager,
How much more do you think the citizens of Worcester can handle? If you haven't noticed, people are out of work. We are already paying through the roof with city taxes and now you propose yet another tax hike.

I must commend you though, fore you are doing a fantastic job. A fantastic job at doing nothing to attract people to come to Worcester to possibly settle down, and nothing to keep the people that are already here.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Will The Real Mohammed Please Stand Up.

From an article in The Daily Caller. May 20'th is "Draw Mohammed Day".

Read on for further details.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Even In Death, Kennedy Is Costing Us Money

This is really upsetting. As if I don't have enough to pay for.

I just read in the Boston Herald how Sen. John F. Kerry and Rep Edward J. Markey are putting the taxpayers on the hook for a temple for the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.

How's $68 million sound to you?

Sen. Kerry and Rep. Markey, first of all. I don't care about a temple to the late Sen. Kennedy. This is not the time to be worried about paying for a shrine.

Maybe a small section in the Welfare office could be put aside with the late Senators picture, put a few candles bought from Target in there and there you have it. Instant shrine. Probably cost you no more than $100 at the most. Far less than your ridiculous $68 million.

Use your time and energy on the real issues that are burdening this state. Start with jobs.

But if you must, why not tap into some of that Kennedy fortune. There's a great piece of property in Hyannis Ma. that could be sold off to fund part of the construction. The taxpayer should not be forced to pay a single dime for this "Temple".

How does everyone else feel about this? I'm curious to see how many will be happy to flip the bill.

See you in November.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Free Plug: Dr Gonzo's Uncommon Condiments

Originally posted on WorcesterScene.com

Your kitchen pantry is not complete without some of Dr. Gonzo's products.
Stop in and say hello. You might even stay awhile.

122 Main Street Worcester, MA

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Parties...........UPDATED

Now that I'm finally able to sit and relax and enjoy my vodka and cranberry. I can ask.

Did you attend the Worcester Tea Party?

I missed it. Sometimes parenting takes precedence over political protesting, even though we are talking about our kids futures here. They are the ones that will be paying for this mess, but they don't know it yet.

I was at my daughters softball game, freezing my ass off.

So how was it? How many people? Did you see any infiltrators? Pictures?

As of this writing, I can't find a single thing in the papers or Internet about it. It really doesn't surprise me given our liberal media at the telegram and gazette.

Updates! I need updates.


After reading this mornings paper I was glad to see that Worcester had a good showing for the Tea Party. Telegram and Gazette estimated that 2500 were in attendance.

Way to go Worcester.

As for the commenter's to the article. I wish you would really go out and educate yourselves better before attempting to write something. I'll tell you that I should be the last one to criticize you about writing. I know I'm bad at it, but please. You seem to post negative comments against the Tea Parties but never really have a rebuttal of your own.

One of my favorite comments to the article was this one. This is just an excerpt from this persons comment, it just amazed me that this person actually thinks this.

"What would the Tea Party do different? And why would it work when others have failed? No answer, just a lame belief that somehow the Constitution is perfect. The Constitution is the problem, not the solution."

The Constitution is the problem. It amazes me that there are people out there that actually believe this.

So Mr Liberal, What's your solution?

For once I'd love to see an intelligent liberal commenter explaining why spending this astronomical amount of money, money we don't have, explain how this is actually good for the country. Tell me please, how its better for the government to make health decisions or any decision for that matter for me rather that I make them for me and my family.

I have yet to see one.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today, I'm Not Pissed

No reason to be pissed off today. Although I haven't read the papers yet.

Usually stuff like that from my previous post doesn't bother me. Yesterday was different. Maybe it was because I wasn't having the greatest of days.

Today was much better. Worked sucked. As always, but I have no choice. I have to work or my mountain of bills don't get paid.

After getting out of work, the day turned much better. I've decided, along with my wife to work on our fitness. It's been long enough. No more sitting around like lumps.

When you start breaking buttons on the uniform pants I wear at work on a regular basis. When you bend down to tie your shoes and get up and your breathing like you just ran a marathon. When your wearing the same pants for weeks at a time because they're the only ones that fit without restricting your breathing.

Its a sign. Its a sign to get off your ass and start moving.

I can take a hint. We started walking. We did a mile the other day and another mile today. It felt good moving, except for the people with their dogs. The walk felt great.

Going back to the dog thing. Whats up people? Bring your dog somewhere else to shit.

There a hundreds of people walking and running the trails. I don't need to see your dog out for a stroll so he can shit in the middle of the path and then I have to go around you as you bend down to pick it up. Go off into the woods or something.

I can't let my kid ride his bike on the path (per the rules) but you can take your dog in there to shit. Do us all a favor. Keep the dog at home.

That's really it for this post. The title did say "I'm not pissed". I better stop while I'm ahead. Tomorrow the kids are all into the sports things so we'll have to squeeze in a walk in between practices. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

See ya

Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm Pissed

This may be a ramble, and it's probably not even worth writing about, but I really don't have anything else to write about today so when I read this it kind of ahhh, pissed me off a bit.

It pisses me off when mainstream papers write about when civilians die in the war over in Afghanistan and they print it up in a way that makes it look like our troops are the bad guys.

I'm talking about the latest article in the New York Times, and I'm sure in countless other papers. The article about Civilians in Afghanistan killed as U.S. Troops fire on Afghan bus.

So some innocent civilians were killed. It sucks and its too bad that it had to happen but don't write your headlines making it out like the U.S. troops are the bad guys.

Give these guys some credit before shitting all over them. Regardless of your thoughts on the war. These are your kids over there fighting everyday. Risking their young lives for you.


They're out there fighting an enemy that looks like any civilian on the street in Afghanistan. At any given moment any innocent looking person can turn on them with some home made device or suicide bombing.

This is a war and "War is hell". Shit happens and it happens for a reason. Its not always a happy ending but if for any reason they felt threatened then they had every right to fire on them.

So enough with the shitting on the U.S. Troops. We have enough problems over here in the states to worry about. Let them do their jobs and stop bowing down to the other side.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Rumor Has it...

That the Worcester city trash bags are going up in price, substantially. I heard $10.00 for 5 bags, starting on June 1'st.

I couldn't find anything online. Can anyone confirm or deny this rumor?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dropkick Murphy's: Live On Lansdowne

I just picked up the latest from the Dropkick Murphy's, Live on Lansdowne, recorded last year at the House of Blues in Boston.
I was there along with my son. If you listen real close you can hear us in the background.
Anyways, another great live album from DKM and a must have for any fan.

Need A Place To Eat In Worcester?

I saw this on Worcesterscene's Twitter page this morning and thought I'd pass it along for anyone daring enough to read this blog.

The City Park Grill is having it's opening night today, Friday March 26, 2010.

What I can gather from the web(their own website is still not up and running)is that it will be serving American bistro style cuisine with a selection of fine wines.

So if your looking for a place to eat tonight, check them out and do your part in supporting another Worcester establishment.

City Park Grill is located at: 50 Front Street obviously in Worcester. The phone number I got off the web is: 508-793-0900

Happy Dining.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The doctor will see you now.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Forty-five Minutes of Fame

So now that an excerpt of a blog post (including a link) I did earlier this month was featured in the Blog Roll section of Worcester Magazine. Thank you Worcester Magazine. I would expect my readership to go up exponentially. In fact I'm sure I could at least double the number of followers I have to at least two.

I had no idea that the post was even in there until my wife received a phone call from one of her friends saying she was reading the magazine and recognized the name of the blog, Worcester In 365.

At first I asked why? Why would someone want to post something of mine? I suck as a writer. I'm a horrible blogger. I only started this blog because I though it would give me something to do when I was bored. I never expected this. Which brings me to the reason for writing this post.

I've been lucky enough now to be famous for an entire forty-five minutes. Total. So far.

It all started back in, ohhh, I don't remember. Once upon a time.

I had a picture of me posted on the Internet. Now come on, get your minds out of the gutter. It was not that kind of picture.

I was fishing on a jetty in Maine just before sunrise when this guy with all sorts of camera stuff comes up and asks if i didn't mind if he took some pictures of me while I fished. I said "As long as you don't mind a treble hook in your eye, by all means go ahead".

He took pictures for about ten minutes then introduced himself, telling me he was an AP photographer. I guess that explains all the camera stuff. He said that there was a good possibility that one of the pictures would make the evening newspaper. It never did.

I think I spent four or five dollars on Maine newspapers that weekend only to find nothing. Until a friend of mine told me while searching through Yahoo photos he came across this.

15 minutes of fame #1 (for the life of me I can't find this picture but as soon a I do I'll update this post. It really does exist, really.)

My second bout with stardom happened earlier this year. I was driving my son to his hockey practice when I noticed across the park near the rink some sort of glow. At first I thought it was a bunch of kids who had lit a fire in the woods but quickly realized it was much bigger than a small fire. This thing was huge. It turns out that it was a building out on an island in the lake that was completely engulfed in flames.

I was the only one in the park at the time. First on the scene. The First Responder, except for the fire trucks. So I did what any normal person would do. I took some pictures with my cell phone and then proceeded to post one of them on Twitter. Yes Twitter. I have a Twitter account and am addicted to it. How gay.

Well to make a long story, longer. When I got home i received a phone call from someone claiming to be from channel 7 news. He told me he just saw my photo on Twitter and wanted my permission to put it up during the eleven o'clock news. Of course I said yes thinking there would be some monetary compensation. No such luck. In fact, it never even made it in. I had stayed up hoping to see it and it never made it on.

The next day was a different story. It was on the morning news, the afternoon news and also the evening news. I was getting phone calls from friends saying "Hey, I just saw your name and picture on the news". I had made it. Famous again. I dreamed of quiting my job to become a world famous photographer. Didn't happen. Anyways, here's the picture.

15 minutes of fame #2

Which brings me to my third foray with stardom and you already know about that one so I won't bore you anymore, but I will post the link to it in case you don't believe me. http://worcesteria.wordpress.com/2010/03/18/blog-log-digital-31810/

So there you have it. My forty-five minutes of fame. Once as a model. Once as a photographer and this last time as an author. I'm guessing with all the skills I have I should have no problem breaking into the Hollywood scene. I could see my name in lights now.

OK, enough of this. Forty-five minutes of fame took me about an hour and a half to write. I told you I suck as a writer.

I hope I didn't bore you too much.
Thanks for reading


My New fan Club

My kids who told all of there friends at school about my unexpected stardom, apparently were quite impressed, but not by the post that was printed in Worcester Magazine, but one of my other useless rants. Is that even a word? Rant? Look that up and get back to me.

I told them I would write something in here to them but I am now in a severe case of writers block. You see us authors get that sometimes.

Anyways. I won't post the school name to protect the innocent but I do want to say thanks for reading and come back often. I'll try and make this as educational as possible.

Now get off the school computers and get back to work.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Letter To Congressman McGovern

Dear Congressman McGovern,

We have put up with this long enough!! It is time that you and your fellow Democrats understand that WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT WANT THIS MONSTROSITY OF A HEALTHCARE BILL.

The TRUTH is that this Healthcare Bill is NOT about Healthcare. It is about creating a whole new structure in the United States of America. STOP IT and STOP IT NOW!! This is one big “Snow Job”, and We The People KNOW it. UNDERSTAND THIS:

*Article 6 of the U. S. Constitution requires the members of both houses of Congress to "be bound by their oath" to support the Constitution”.

The exact words in the last paragraph of Article 6 in the US Constitution are as follows:

"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test.”

You are CLEARLY breaking your OATH to support the Constitution!!

The Healthcare bill has provisions that are clearly outside the Constitutional Authority of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of the federal government.

You must, for the will of the PEOPLE vote NO and start over on this debacle you and your fellow Democrats have created.
I am all for some sort of reform but this is nothing but a complete government takeover of OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mai Tai's and Strippers

Went out with a few friends last night. I'm not quite sure how it happened but we ended up at a strip joint last night. With the wives.

Wow, mai tai's will work wonders. Nuff said.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Doing My Part To Save The Environment

Maybe a bit too much.

Container Inventory:
3 bottles of vodka
3 bottles of wine
1 milk container

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Weather, Blue Raspberry Icees and Mud

Its 40 degrees outside and the huge slab of ice we've been using to skate on in my backyard is beginning to look very much like an icee. All I need is about 50 gallons of blue raspberry syrup and my kids would be the most popular kids in the neighborhood, hell maybe even the city.

I'm not sure if I can say i'm diggin this weather. Is it a sign of an early spring?

I can say that it is sad time of year for me, knowing that all the hard work you put in all winter long, maintaining the ice, trying to make it as smooth as glass is coming to an end. The countless, freezing nights dragging the garden hose out to flood the top after a night of skating. All the days I spent out there shoveling the rink of all the snow that would fall during the many snowstorms we've had before even thinking of doing the driveway(priorities).

All of this is coming to an end and soon it will be time to drain what life blood(water)is remaining in the rink. I hate this time of year. I like the winter. I hate cutting grass. I'd rather maintain a huge slab of ice than do yard work.

So what am I getting at with this post? I have no idea. I just know that in about a month or so I'm going to have one hell of a mud pit in my backyard.